Prince Rupert 2030 Workshop #2
November 5th, 2019
Join Redesign Rupert and our partners, the City of Prince Rupert, Community Futures of the Pacific Northwest, The Prince Rupert Port Authority, DP World, Ridley Terminals Inc, and Ray-Mont Logistics, as we design a new future for Prince Rupert. Together, we are developing a collective vision for the next 10 years of growth & development in Prince Rupert, and we invite you to be part of the process.
RSVP to attend
Crest Hotel | 222 1st Ave W, Prince Rupert, BC V8J 1A8
This workshop will build on the work of the 1st workshop and present a draft plan to workshop participants that synthesizes all of the ideas, urban designs, and economic development strategies outlined over the course of 4 days in early July. During this one-day workshop, participants will review the draft plan & recommend any changes before the plan is presented to the broader community.
An inspired, forward-thinking master plan will spark investment in the downtown and other crucial areas, support the recruitment & retention of Prince Rupert’s growing labour force, help steer new housing and mixed-use developments, and create new economic opportunity in the port industry and other critical sectors. The Prince Rupert 2030 plan will be an actionable roadmap for the next 10 years of planning & development in Prince Rupert, including plans to address downtown revitalization, waterfront improvements, parks & trail development, civic infrastructure, and more.
Workshop LEAD
The workshop will be led & facilitated by Larry Beasley of Beasley & Associates, based out of Vancouver. The former Chief Planner for the City of Vancouver, Larry Beasley is a renowned urban design and planning consultant working with cities across the world. He is the ‘Distinguished Practice’ Professor of Planning at UBC; he sits on the Boards of TransLink in Metro Vancouver and the National Capital Commission in Ottawa; and he is a member of the International Economic Development Advisory Board of Rotterdam in The Netherlands. Beasley’s practice emphasizes the “city by design,” with a focus on sustainable, liveable, and competitive urbanism. His team provides advice on urban design, policy planning, and tools that incentivize preferred urban revitalization. Beasley also specializes in group facilitation and interest-based problem solving. For our Prince Rupert initiative, Beasley is joined by Civitas, Urban Design and Planning, also based in Vancouver. Joe Hruda, leader of Civitas, is one of Canada’s top urban designers.
For more about Larry Beasley & Associates, visit their website HERE.